The Summary Care Record (SCR)

This is a national centralised database of limited medical information (allergies and medication only), extracted and uploaded from your GP record to NHS Digital. That information is then potentially available to medical staff nationwide.

In common with all GP surgeries, Hightown Surgery is required to extract and upload information from GP records to the national Summary Care Record (SCR) database, one of a number of NHS databases. Your Summary Care Record will contain all medication prescribed for you in the preceding 6 months, any repeat medication issued over the preceding 18 months, and any allergies or adverse reactions to medicines.

The information will potentially be available to healthcare professionals across England, for the purpose of your direct clinical care (a “primary” use of your information). The SCR is therefore a nationally available database. The information is extracted and uploaded to NHS Digital, who is therefore the data controller for the Summary Care Record database. There are no secondary uses of the SCR, and data uploaded to the SCR database is neither shared nor used beyond that required to provide direct medical care.

Who Can Access The Summary Care Record?

  • Clinicians at SCAS NHS 111 Clinicians in Emergency Operations Centre
  • Various departments at hospital
  • Our community staff (district nurses, midwives and health visitors)

Community nurses have access to the GP records of our patients (through our EMIS Web clinical system).

If you do not wish to have, or continue to have, a Summary Care Record then you can opt-out at any time using our Summary Care Record Opt-out form. If you do opt-out, your uploaded data will be “blanked”, no one will be able to access it, and no further information about you will be uploaded from your GP record.

If you do opt-out, or if you have already opted out, then you can opt back in at any time and have a Summary Care Record created.

For more information, please visit